Monday, February 1, 2021

Celebrating our birthday when we start to get to a 'certain age'.

February is my birth month. I'm of that 'certain age', where birthdays really have become just another day, nothing special, I don't really expect (or necessarily want) a lot of fan-fair. Remember when you were a kid and your birthday was this huge event that your parents went all out for? They buy you something that you have wanted for so long and had asked for at the holiday season, but knew that because you had siblings, that your only chance to actually receive that extra special gift was on your birthday? Remember the parties, the cake and ice cream, or special tradition that you always had that was unique to you and your special day? Why, then, if birthdays are such a special occasion, do we not really celebrate them as an adult? 

I honestly quit celebrating my birthdays around the time that my kids started being born, mostly because it was more important to me that my kids and husband had their special day recognized. Then, my husbands birthdays started to not really be as celebrated, either, because it was more important to us both that our children's special days were recognized over our own. That's just something we do as parents, right? To be honest, after hitting the age of 21 and hitting all of those major legal milestones, I really didn't care much about celebrating my birthdays. So, what I've started to do, is just find ways to celebrate little things throughout a year. 

This year, I'm compiling a list of 45 things for my 45th year. I'm doing little things throughout the year (45 of them) to celebrate my 45th trip around the sun. You can certainly make these things large or small; categorize them as major goals to accomplish like buying yourself something extravagant or as little as making it a habit to take one full hour out of your day, to sit and reflect, relax, drink some coffee or wine; really, something as simple as that. Maybe you want to make a specific day as an at home spa day, where you take a long hot bath, paint your fingers and toes, put on a face and hair mask and just pamper yourself once a week or month. The possibilities are absolutely endless. It's all up to you.

Maybe this is the year that you have that extra special day. The party with your family and friends, the night out, the cake and ice cream, the extravagant gift; a day all about you, for you, even if it has to be done by you. Maybe your significant other or child(ren) can plan it all out for you, just tell them what you really want for your special day. Most people do not possess the ability to read minds, so this would be helpful for them to actually carry out a plan. And, you'll probably get exactly what you want or at least really close.

Stay in and have a Zoom party. Make it a social video conferencing celebration. Have some wine together. Laugh together. Talk about dreams and goals in your life. We are in what people are calling a pandemic, of course, so this could be a much safer option for you and those you care about, by staying in and drinking that bottle of something you've been saving for such a special occasion. Everyone stays home, no one drives, everyone stays safe. It seems like a win all the way around.

If things ever open again this year, maybe you can take a vacation. Is there a place that you've always dreamed of going? Make plans to get there! What about a vineyard and wine tasting trip? It may even be as simple as a day of shopping with the girls or the family. A nice dinner out. There are other fun things you can try, like an escape room party, if you have a birthday in the warmer months, an amusement park to relive your childhood a bit and act like a kid again. 

Indoor go-carting is super fun! And, typically not too taxing on the pocketbook. If you can have a designated driver, a pub/brewery crawl can be a fun thing to do, and some of them even have the pub bike that you can rent for a certain price per hour. Those are fun with a group of your pals! Are you adventurous? Maybe zip lining or kayaking, taking a hike in the wilderness to reconnect your spirit and soul with our beautiful Mother Earth is more your idea of fun. 
Learning a new skill throughout your birthday year. Teach yourself something new from an absolute beginners viewpoint. I have a goal of learning my acoustic guitar this year and how to repair small engines on my own. I know nothing about small engines or mechanical work in general, so this is completely out of my wheelhouse and I'm excited to start trying this.

Music a passion? Learn to play an instrument. A piano, guitar, woodwind, string, percussion, brass; the possibilities are endless. You can usually find a quality used instrument that doesn't cost a ton of money to start out with on places like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or even a local music store or pawn shop. I received an antique piano for free about 6 or 7 years ago. I am setting a goal to learn how to fix it, tune it and play it this year. I'm starting to really notice a pattern here, that music (as it always has been) an extremely important part of my life. I've always been a singer, so I'm going to start to practice getting my form and sound back, to go along with learning new instruments.

I have an older model jukebox that was my grandparents, that as a child, it was one of the things that we did together; listen to 45's for hours on end, as we sat out on the front porch, playing record after record, working in the flower beds. Well, the years and several moves have taken it's toll on that wonderful memory, and it is in need of repair. So, I'm purchasing the repair manual for it and I'm going to attempt to fix it myself. Yet one more skill that I want to teach myself in my 45th year of life.

So, know that your birthday is special. It was the day that you entered this world of beauty and opportunity, abundance and love. Your day is still special. It was the day that the world gained an amazing, caring, loving and capable human being; you. Enjoy your birthday the way that you want to enjoy it. It is truly all about you.

Live from the Earth. Play in the dirt.

1 comment:

  1. I almost did 50 acts of kindness... I think I will this year... Happy birthday one year later my sister. I love you
