Sunday, February 25, 2018


Okay, I know. It's been so long since I put out that first post, and I just know that you are all anxious and excited to see this one. Insert maniacal laugh. There really has been a lot of activity going on, but I can't seem to stay focused on one task at a time, so it seems that there's just a lot of activity without any fruition, around here. I have, however, been doing a whole lot of thinking. Thinking about  our businesses, the ability to go on the road with the Airstream, what to do about finances, education, how to train these darn dogs and cats to not be such a pain in the behind; you know, the usual problems normal people face. Imagine my eyes rolling into the back of my head with sarcasm.

So, to start things off, I think that I will show you some of what I've been doing with Crafty 'n Scrappy.
I've worked on and off on an egg carton lighted garland that has been okay to do, it has also been a challenge. I chose a string of 100 purple lights on which to create flower-like egg carton creations. 100 lights. Wrap your mind around that, won't you? That's a lot of lights, for what seemed to start out as a good idea and fun to do, but has ended up being a real project. Although, when it's finished, it will be really pretty. I have fashioned myself a spool holder out of a piece of wood and a plastic piece, to try to replace my spool holder on top of my sewing machine. I have yet to test my theory out. I'm finding lots of projects that I want to make and maybe sell, but find that I'm just not organized enough or focused enough to actually finish a project. I really need to find that focus and use up some of the thousands of pieces of crafting, scrapbooking and other material, that are just piled everywhere. Someday. Maybe.

What I have been very excited about, is the Royal Amethyst Acres business and the gardening season that lies ahead! This is the link to follow, to see what's happening there.
I have fashioned myself a soil block maker, as the set that I want to buy, is almost $70, and I just can't justify that expense, at this time. I have a wish list on Amazon, that has been made public, if anyone would like to help out with a supply or two. Anything would help me get this business off the ground.
I have high hopes and dreams of making this business work, and I have been scouring to find great deals or free materials, supplies, tools and the like. I save ideas from Pinterest, watch YouTube channels, search Craigslist and Facebook Markets. I really am trying to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible. So, if anyone has anything they could even donate or sell to my business, please contact me on my Facebook page, listed above. It would be so very helpful and appreciated. And, speaking of YouTube channels, I have been thinking of starting one for this business. The issues at hand with it, are that in order for monetary gain, the channel has to have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 viewed hours. That's a lot of viewing time! I'm seriously contemplating it, though, if for nothing else, to catalog the path of the business.

My hubby is also trying to utilize YouTube, for Middle of Nowhere Studio, for the same reason. Follow the advancing of his artwork and what we're doing with our business on Facebook.
He has some amazing artwork and takes custom orders. He was just asked to bid a job for a RAGBRAI event, and we are hoping that goes through. Getting a business off the ground, that is your passion, is not an easy task! He's currently working on a "Top Secret" project for a customer.

So, this is mostly about our businesses, but thought I could update everyone on some of the happenings going on, at the Sims household. Until next time.

Many Blessings!

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