Thursday, February 15, 2018

What this is...

This is the first post, since I decided to start blogging again, and I had every intention of starting it off on January 1, 2018, blah, blah, blah. Life truly does start dictating your goals and intentions for a year, doesn't it?

I have actually tried writing this blog at least a dozen times, but with every start, there just seems to have been a writer's block, if you will. I didn't know what direction I was trying to take with it, and I still don't know exactly what incarnation it will take on. What monstrous form will take shape? What 'vibe' will it truly put out? So, I decided that today was just going to be the day I wrote. Something. Nothing. See where it takes me.

On today's list of at least a million topics that I have racing through my scattered brain, was something that I got a bit consumed by; my life path. What, exactly, if anything of significance, is my life path? Where am I supposed to be going in life and what am I supposed to be doing? I really don't know. It's a mystery. Maybe an adventure. What, exactly, is my path, now?

Most of my friends, family, and even my acquaintances know that the last four years has been a huge change for me and my family. I have reluctantly had to travel this extremely rough, mountainous road, and to say that I've been unhappy about it, would be a gross understatement. My career as a nurse, took a giant leap off a cliff, and left me dangling by my fingertips. It has been hard. I've cried, yelled, screamed, resisted, and now, I am starting to accept it. So, now what?

I've decided to make this blog about everything. Everything that goes on in my life. Information, adventures (or misadventures), experiences, personal life, family life, and our businesses. So, stay tuned and check back often. I wish everyone a very blessed today, tomorrow and forever.

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