Thursday, September 3, 2020

Today Was A Bit Different

 Today was a bit different. The day started early, as it usually does, and no, I didn't want to get out of bed. But, I had to. I had things to get done and needed to go to the store because, well, when you're out of toilet paper, you go buy toilet paper. This girl won't be without that wonderful woven goodness. First world problems, I know.

On the way to pick up my daughter this morning, I had an epiphany. Epipha-what? What was I deciding about my day, already? How was I going to make my day better, if I started out with the negative thoughts and mood? I didn't want to have a bad day again, so I decided to try to pump myself up and change my attitude, to make my mood better. I said to myself, "Self, you got this today. You have no reason to put this on someone else. What do you have to be thankful for today?" And I began to count my blessings and I started working on changing my mood.

I have worked very hard the last several days and I've done many things physically that I'm restricted from doing, all because I didn't have a choice; it's what I needed to do at the time, to make me feel better. So, the plans I had for today were put on hold so that I could relax my body just a bit. This may seem like a failure to some, but I'm choosing to see it as a small break and I'll get those things done tomorrow. With the physical break, I decided to take a mental break, so I enjoyed the beautiful weather and my family throughout the day.

Making the decision to change my mindset and be deliberate in my actions and reactions today, along with the physical and mental break, made a big difference in the way my day played out. It's odd to think that by deliberately changing your thought process to be more positive, that it can change your day, ever so slightly. I chose to surround myself with nature and family today and in combination with trying to keep a positive attitude, I had a pretty relaxed and good day. Not being in the shadows all day was a nice change of pace.

You are not alone. Blessings. 

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