Thursday, September 10, 2020

What A Difference A Support System Makes

Hello, my lovelies. I hope that you have had a wonderful day. I am happy to report that I had a much better day. The weather is starting to  move out and the pressure is changing again, so my migraine is lightened enough that I can function and keep myself busy, and maybe get caught up on a few things. 

Yesterday was such a rotten day. My depression was at a 12, at the very least. I was hating myself, not being kind to myself and reading too far into things on an extreme emotional level. It did, however, help me to address some things that I really needed to talk about, and I feel that was the positive point to come out of the entire day. What a difference a day makes, right?

I really have some amazing people in my life. People that walked in as total strangers, but are some of the most cherished friends I could have ever asked for. They check in with me almost every single day. Most of these people I have never met in person. It's an amazing feeling! 

But, I have to give so much credit to my husband. He has been taking care of me and my emotional health for almost 30 years! My insecurities and feelings of inadequacy yesterday were addressed and validated with a long, wonderful talk and cuddling session with my amazing husband. 

He walked into our room as I was working on my laptop and talking to some amazing friends, and just plopped down on the bed. "Hi. Whatcha doin'?" The look on his face as he said that just made me giggle. My husband has a way of doing silly things that make me smile. We talked and he held me as I teared up, making me feel safe and secure. I woke up this morning with a much better outlook on things.

It is amazing, the things that you can accomplish with a great support system in place. I would recommend that there is some sort of support system in place for everyone, whether it be a family member, friend or mental health care provider, and explore your options for natural and prescription medications to help you through. Most medications don't work with my body; at least for long, so I try a lot more natural remedies to help alleviate my symptoms and I rely very heavily on my support team to get me through my darkest days. 

Remember that you are not alone in your struggle and fight.

Live from the Earth. Play in the dirt.


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